Nantong BST Machinery Engineering Co., Ltd.

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Drying and strong cooling system

Color plate line drying indoor side

Coating drying equipment refers to the process of workpiece surface coating through physical or chemical nature of volatile role of oxidative polymerization to form a strong bond with the workpiece of solid films.

Axle drying and cooling room

Coating drying equipment refers to the process of workpiece surface coating through physical or chemical nature of volatile role of oxidative polymerization to form a strong bond with the workpiece of solid films.

Color steel plate drying furnace and water cooling equipment

Coating drying equipment refers to the process of workpiece surface coating through physical or chemical nature of volatile role of oxidative polymerization to form a strong bond with the workpiece of solid films.

Vehicle drying and cooling system

Coating drying equipment refers to the process of workpiece surface coating through physical or chemical nature of volatile role of oxidative polymerization to form a strong bond with the workpiece of solid films.

Large engineering machinery paint drying equipment

Coating drying equipment refers to the process of workpiece surface coating through physical or chemical nature of volatile role of oxidative polymerization to form a strong bond with the workpiece of solid films.

TNV exhaust gas treatment drying system

Coating drying equipment refers to the process of workpiece surface coating through physical or chemical nature of volatile role of oxidative polymerization to form a strong bond with the workpiece of solid films.
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