Nantong BST Machinery Engineering Co., Ltd.

Address: No. 9 Renmin South Road, Baidian Town Industrial Park, Hai'an County, Jiangsu Province, China   Tel: 86-513-88400585      Fax: 86-513-88402162

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Rain system

The product of assembly production line has always been an important part of BST company, It generally consists of assembly line for inner decorative parts (mainly including roof,front suspension,door accessories,pedal bracket,front evaporator,major harness,instalment panel,front and rear windshields etc.),chassis assembly line(mainly including oil pipe assembly,rear axle,engine,drive shaft,oil tank etc.)and OK line(mainly including tire,engine accessories,battery,liquid filling system,seats arid start-up preparation device etc.).Over the past 20 years,Have gained significant achievements in the cars,passenger cars,heavy trucks and cars of new energy resources and other fields.
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Product description

The product of assembly production line has always been an important part of BST company, It generally consists of assembly line for inner decorative parts (mainly including roof,front suspension,door accessories,pedal bracket,front evaporator,major harness,instalment panel,front and rear windshields etc.),chassis assembly line(mainly including oil pipe assembly,rear axle,engine,drive shaft,oil tank etc.)and OK line(mainly including tire,engine accessories,battery,liquid filling system,seats arid start-up preparation device etc.).Over the past 20 years,Have gained significant achievements in the cars,passenger cars,heavy trucks and cars of new energy resources and other fields.


Rain system

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